Log 180111

Waking up with a start, Sw'lbyrd finds himself in a small windowless room, laying down in a meager cot. All he can see around him is a latrine in the corner, some sort of head-device on the floor, and a cage door (presumably locked) keeping him inside. There seems to be a human guard just outside his cell, nervously eying him occasionally. Sw'lbyrd can hear unfamiliar voices from outside. It sounds like they are coming from similarly imprisoned persons, trying to make sense of their current situation. The only thing making sense to Sw'lbyrd at the moment is he needs to get out and find his family.

The rage of being imprisoned against his will, taken from his family, and dishonoring his tribe build up within him to a boil, and with an enraged shriek he charges at the door without thinking. To the everyone's surprise the door is torn off of its hinges, forcing the guard against the wall and knocking him unconscious. Sw'lbyrd stands outside his cell, not sure what to do not having planned this far ahead. The commotion of a door being broken open has called the attention of another guard at the end of the hall; without thinking, Sw'lbyrd picks up the door and hurls it at the new guard as an improvised weapon. The heavy objects impacts the guard's head, knocking him out. After a brief silence the other prisoners start speaking up, trying to persuade Sw'lbyrd to let them out of their cells and escape with them. But he is tired, confused, and angry. Who does he trust? What has just happened? He has little time to reflect however, as a door on the far end of the hallway is blasted open and a small unit of rebel soldiers enters with their guns drawn. The one in front looks around the prison with a confused look on his face, "We're here to, uh, rescue you?"

The rest of the prisoners are freed and they are encouraged to be ushered out to escape the ship they have been held on. Sounds of distant gunfire can be heard throughout the ship. The group makes its way to a large hanger filled with ships - and Storm Troopers. The group splits up, with the rebel soldiers taking care of a large section of the Storm Troopers while the escaped prisoners focus on a smaller group near them. The escapees quickly dispatch the Storm Troopers - fueled by lingering rage Sw'lbyrd kills several, picking up and taking one of the bodies to keep as a trophy later. However, more Storm Troopers make their way into the hanger, and he soldiers and prisoners retreat out of the hanger to make their way to the escape pods.

On the way however, they encounter a strange and dangerous entity, whom one of the rebel soldiers remarks in a feared whisper as, "The Shadow Man." Cloaked in an eerie darkness, he begins to mercilessly slay rebel soldiers one by one. The rebel commander, _, yells at the escaped prisoners to leave now, get to an escape pod, and they anxiously proceed to an escape pod. The prisoners all strap into the escape pod's seats - Sw'lbyrd straps in the Storm Trooper corpse he has been carrying around - and the party of escapees launch the pod away from the ship, tumbling down into the unknown planet below.

StarWarsLog180111 (last edited 2018-03-27 14:51:30 by Rowsdower)