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=== Tier I === ==== Vulcan Lance ==== ''Spend 2 strain to cast an earth elemental magic projectile dealing +2 damage within short range at average difficulty. Can spend triumph or 4 advantage to inflict Knockdown.'' ==== Icicle Spear ==== ''Spend 2 strain to cast a water elemental magic projectile dealing +2 damage within short range at average difficulty. Can spend triumph or 4 advantage to inflict Ensnare.'' ==== Deadshot ==== ''Spend 2 strain to cast an air elemental magic projectile dealing +2 damage within short range at average difficulty. Can spend triumph or 4 advantage to inflict Stun.'' ==== Fireball ==== ''Spend 2 strain to cast a fire elemental magic projectile dealing +2 damage within short range at average difficulty. Can spend triumph or 4 advantage to inflict Burn.'' ==== Spirit Surge ==== ''Spend 2 strain to cast a divine magic projectile dealing +1 damage within short range at average difficulty. Gain an additional +2 damage against undead and demonic targets.'' ==== Word of Pain ==== ''Spend 2 strain to cast a bane magic projectile dealing +3 damage within short range at average difficulty, but deals +0 damage against demonic targets.'' === Tier II === ==== Earthen Wall ==== ''Spend 3 strain to give a target within medium range +1 soak for a number of rounds equal to the number of successes rolled on a hard Arcana check.'' ==== Poison Mist ==== ''Spend 3 strain to make a hard Arcana check against a target within medium range. On success, the target must make an average Resilience check or else the target receives 1 wound each round for the number of successes rolled unless healed by a poison antidote.'' ==== Balmy Air ==== ''Spend 3 strain to make a hard Arcana check against a target within medium range. On success, the target is lulled to sleep for one round, unable to maneuver or take actions while asleep. Target wakes up if attacked or is inflicted a wound.'' ==== Ray of Paralysis ==== ''Spend 3 strain to make a hard Arcana check against a target within medium range. On success, the target is staggered for one round.'' ==== Cure ==== ''Spend 3 strain to make an average Divine check against a target within medium range. On success, heal the target's wounds by INT + successes. Any advantages rolled on the check can be used to heal the target's strain.'' ==== Enfeeble ==== ''Spend 3 strain to make a hard Bane check against a target within medium range. On success, the target's melee and ranged defense ratings are reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0) for a number of rounds equal to half of the number of successes rolled, rounded up.'' ==== Instill ==== ''Spend 3 strain to make an average magic check of the player's choice against a target within medium range. On success, the target receives 1 boost die when performing physical attack checks against enemies for a number of rounds equal to the number of successes rolled. If Bane was used as the check skill, do not add a boost die against demonic targets. If Divine was used as the check skill, add an additional boost die if targeting an undead or demonic target.'' === Tier III === ==== Cragfall ==== ''Spend 4 strain to cast an earth elemental magic projectile dealing +1 damage within short range at average difficulty. This projectile ignores shooting into melee, and has the Pierce 2 attribute.'' ==== Deluge ==== ''Spend 4 strain to cast a water elemental magic projectile dealing +1 damage within short range at average difficulty. This projectile ignores shooting into melee, and has the Pierce 2 attribute.'' ==== Tornado ==== ''Spend 4 strain to cast an air elemental magic projectile dealing +1 damage within short range at average difficulty. This projectile ignores shooting into melee, and has the Pierce 2 attribute.'' ==== Firestorm ==== ''Spend 4 strain to cast a fire elemental magic projectile dealing +1 damage within short range at average difficulty. This projectile ignores shooting into melee, and has the Pierce 2 attribute.'' ==== Judgement ==== ''Spend 4 strain to cast a Divine magic projectile dealing +0 damage within short range at average difficulty. Increase the damage to +2 if the target is undead or demonic. This projectile ignores shooting into melee, and has the Pierce 2 attribute.'' ==== Meteor Strike ==== ''Spend 4 strain to cast a Bane magic projectile dealing +2 damage within short range at average difficulty. Decrease this damage to +0 if the target is demonic. This projectile ignores shooting into melee, and has the Pierce 2 attribute.'' ==== Esuna ==== ''Spend 4 strain to make an average Divine check against a target within short range. On success, remove any one negative status effect on the target (such as stunned, prone, fear, etc), and remove an additional status for every 2 successes rolled. Additionally, recover 1 strain for every 2 advantages rolled.'' === Tier IV === ==== Vulcan Lance II ==== ''Spend 6 strain to cast an earth elemental magic projectile dealing +4 damage within short range at average difficulty. Can spend triumph or 4 advantage to inflict Knockdown.'' ==== Icicle Spear II ==== ''Spend 6 strain to cast a water elemental magic projectile dealing +4 damage within short range at average difficulty. Can spend triumph or 4 advantage to inflict Ensnare.'' ==== Deadshot II ==== ''Spend 6 strain to cast an air elemental magic projectile dealing +4 damage within short range at average difficulty. Can spend triumph or 4 advantage to inflict Stun.'' ==== Fireball II ==== ''Spend 6 strain to cast a fire elemental magic projectile dealing +4 damage within short range at average difficulty. Can spend triumph or 4 advantage to inflict Burn.'' ==== Spirit Surge II ==== ''Spend 6 strain to cast a divine magic projectile dealing +3 damage within short range at average difficulty. Gain an additional +5 damage against undead and demonic targets.'' ==== Word of Pain II ==== ''Spend 6 strain to cast a bane magic projectile dealing +5 damage within short range at average difficulty, but deals +2 damage against demonic targets.'' |
For the list of talents that are magic spells, go [[OgreBattleMagicTalents|here]]. |
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=== Knight === ==== Rampart Aura ==== '''Tier II''' ''Passive talent: enemies must spend 2 maneuvers when moving to or from engaged range.'' ==== Phalanx ==== '''Tier IV''' ''Action: character digs in to ensure defenses are secure. Increase your melee and ranged defense to 4 until the character's next action.'' === Rune Fencer === ==== Support Specialist ==== '''Tier II''' ''Passive talent: instill spells add +1 damage.'' ==== Support Specialist (Improved) ==== '''Tier IV''' ''Passive talent: instill spells provide one extra boost die.'' === Black Knight === ==== Lament of the Dead ==== '''Tier II''' ''Maneuver: gain 2 strain to force enemies within engaged range to make a contested discipline vs coercion check. Failure results in 1 setback die for all checks during that encounter. Does not work if target is immune to fear.'' ==== Lament of the Dead (Improved) ==== '''Tier IV''' ''Lament of the Dead extends to short range.'' === Berserker === ==== Berserk ==== '''Tier II''' ''Action: gain 1 strain to make an average attack roll, adding one boost die and increasing strain by one per engaged target (enemy and allies included) to a maximum of 4. On success, treat this roll as an attack roll applied to each target with their individual soaks and talents. Use the defense value of the target with the highest defense value for the roll.'' ==== Sanguine Assault ==== '''Tier IV''' ''Maneuver: gain 2 wounds, all attacks made by this character are deceased by 2 to a minimum of 1; until this character's next turn, all combat checks against them gain one bonus die.'' === Archer === ==== Rapid Fire ==== '''Tier II''' ''Maneuver: gain 3 strain, on the character's next ranged skill check, their weapon gains the Linked 1 attribute.'' ==== Rapid Fire (Improved) ==== '''Tier IV''' ''Rapid Fire Linked rating is increased to 2.'' === Wizard === ==== Recharge ==== '''Tier II''' ''Action: make an average difficulty arcane or bane check; character recovers strain equal to half of INT + successes, rounded up.'' ==== Recharge (Improved) ==== '''Tier V''' ''Recharge can now be used as a maneuver instead of an action.'' === Cleric === ==== Exorcise ==== '''Tier II''' ''Action: make a divine check against an undead target, with a difficulty based on the target's current wounds. (0 is daunting, less than half threshold is hard, more than half threshold is average, and more than 3/4ths is easy) On a successful check, the target is instantly defeated.'' ==== Holy Blessing ==== '''Tier IV''' ''Maneuver: the character's next divine skill check is improved: offensive magic checks receive 2 boost dice, healing magic doubles the result of the check, all other checks receive 1 boost die.'' === Rogue === ==== Adaptability ==== '''Tier II''' ''Passive (ranked): choose one non-magic skill. Add one skill point to that skill so long as it does not bring the skill total higher than ranks in Adaptability plus 2. This skill is now a career skill.'' ==== Fast Learner ==== '''Tier III''' ''Passive (ranked): for every rank in Fast Learner, treat other talents 2 tiers higher as 1 tier lower than listed. Talents still cost the same amount of experience to purchase.'' |
Custom Ogre Battle Talents
For the list of talents that are magic spells, go here.
Rampart Aura
Tier II Passive talent: enemies must spend 2 maneuvers when moving to or from engaged range.
Tier IV Action: character digs in to ensure defenses are secure. Increase your melee and ranged defense to 4 until the character's next action.
Rune Fencer
Support Specialist
Tier II Passive talent: instill spells add +1 damage.
Support Specialist (Improved)
Tier IV Passive talent: instill spells provide one extra boost die.
Black Knight
Lament of the Dead
Tier II Maneuver: gain 2 strain to force enemies within engaged range to make a contested discipline vs coercion check. Failure results in 1 setback die for all checks during that encounter. Does not work if target is immune to fear.
Lament of the Dead (Improved)
Tier IV Lament of the Dead extends to short range.
Tier II Action: gain 1 strain to make an average attack roll, adding one boost die and increasing strain by one per engaged target (enemy and allies included) to a maximum of 4. On success, treat this roll as an attack roll applied to each target with their individual soaks and talents. Use the defense value of the target with the highest defense value for the roll.
Sanguine Assault
Tier IV Maneuver: gain 2 wounds, all attacks made by this character are deceased by 2 to a minimum of 1; until this character's next turn, all combat checks against them gain one bonus die.
Rapid Fire
Tier II Maneuver: gain 3 strain, on the character's next ranged skill check, their weapon gains the Linked 1 attribute.
Rapid Fire (Improved)
Tier IV Rapid Fire Linked rating is increased to 2.
Tier II Action: make an average difficulty arcane or bane check; character recovers strain equal to half of INT + successes, rounded up.
Recharge (Improved)
Tier V Recharge can now be used as a maneuver instead of an action.
Tier II Action: make a divine check against an undead target, with a difficulty based on the target's current wounds. (0 is daunting, less than half threshold is hard, more than half threshold is average, and more than 3/4ths is easy) On a successful check, the target is instantly defeated.
Holy Blessing
Tier IV Maneuver: the character's next divine skill check is improved: offensive magic checks receive 2 boost dice, healing magic doubles the result of the check, all other checks receive 1 boost die.
Tier II Passive (ranked): choose one non-magic skill. Add one skill point to that skill so long as it does not bring the skill total higher than ranks in Adaptability plus 2. This skill is now a career skill.
Fast Learner
Tier III Passive (ranked): for every rank in Fast Learner, treat other talents 2 tiers higher as 1 tier lower than listed. Talents still cost the same amount of experience to purchase.