Custom Exalted Talents for Genesys

Tier 1

Burn Body

For one strain, a corpse can burn the body to smoke, preventing it from being summoned as a ghost or resurrected as a zombie.

Celestial Sense

Heavenly/Holy objects are automatically sensed within a long range.

Fists of Iron

Talents requiring wielding a Melee weapon may be used while you are unarmed or using Brawl weapons. Your GM has final say on whether the talent may be used in this way. Add your Essence value to all damage checks involving Brawl.

Integrity Protection

RANKED - For each rank in Integrity Protection, decrease the difficulty of checks against mutation by one (to a minimum of <> Easy).

Magic Aptitude

RANKED - Gain one effect on a spell without increasing the difficulty for each rank in Magic Aptitude.

Muted Anima

Increase the threshold for anima visibility in each category by 2 strain.

Tier 2


RANKED - Increase character's Essence value by one. +5 to strain threshold.

Tier 3

Ancient Pact

Mystical beings, such as Deathlords, Demons, and Faeries, cannot initiate combat with the player. Beings can still retaliate if attacked, or engage in social combat such as charms, coercion, etc.

Tier 5

Innate Magic

The character does not need to prepare spells ahead of time, and can combine any known magic components into usable spells at the time of casting.

ExaltedGenesysTalents (last edited 2018-09-06 04:37:46 by Rowsdower)