Exalted Castes in Genesys
Universal Traits
- Anima abilities have a cost of 1 story point and 5 strain.
- Players get 3 free first-level ranks in career skills during character creation.
Dawn Caste
Specialized Skills: Vigilance, Brawl, Melee, Ranged, Leadership
Anima Ability: Once per session, for one scene the character appears taller and fiercer; opponents must make a fear check of difficulty equal to the Essence of the character. Said opponents attempting to attack the character will roll at one difficulty higher, and the character gains one boost die for attacks against those opponents. Mortals will automatically flee if they fail this check. Creatures immune to fear are not affected.
Starting Talent: Fists of Iron
Zenith Caste
Specialized Skills: Discipline, Resilience, Survival, Charm, Coercion
Anima ability: Once per session, the character can illuminate an area according to their Essence value around themselves for one scene. While in this area, any attack made by undead opponents against the character or their allies increase their attack difficulty by one:
- Essence 1: Engaged
- Essence 2: Short range
- Essence 3: Medium range
- Essence 4: Long range
- Essence 5: Extreme range
Starting Talent: Burn Body
Twilight Caste
Specialized Skills: Arcana, Medicine, Deception, Knowledge/Lore, Crafting
Anima ability: Once per session, the character may substitute damage taken as strain, to a value up to their Essence value.
Starting Talent: Magic Aptitude (rank 1)
Night Caste
Specialized Skills: Athletics, Coordination, Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth
Anima ability: Once per session, for one scene the character is enveloped in darkness; decrease difficulty of stealth checks by 1, increase the difficulty of Perception/Vigilance checks against character by 1. If the character was not seen activating this ability, their identity becomes impossible to determine. If in battle, the character is harder to hit: add [Essence] setback dice to attacks against the character.
Starting Talent: Muted Anima
Eclipse Caste
Specialized Skills: Cool, Piloting, Riding, Streetwise, Negotiation
Anima ability: Any agreement made within the character's presence is bound by Heaven: if any party is to break the agreement, all of the offender’s skill checks are upgraded in difficulty by one for however many days equal to the character’s essence.
Starting Talent: Ancient Pact