Owl Escape 1

Should have just sent a plant

This comic is based on a time playing Dungeons and Dragons. When my original plan to send a talking plant for help failed, this was my backup plan. There is a part two. It isn't very exciting.

Time 4 Hobbies

This comic is not funny

Hey, here we are. Stuck in our homes. Doing what we do best: procrastinate. Which is why this post is actually way after all the crazy virus stuff happened.

I'm sure everything is fine now.


Next thing you know, they'll be taking your walls for themselves!

What nationality is that raccoon anyway?

Channeling my Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff for this one.


Trash pandas are the best pandas

To be honest, if I went to a restraunt and saw a menu item that said "garbage taco" I would order it because that sounds delicious. Maybe I'm a racoon?

Professor Bear

Professor Bear

Has anyone checked this bear's credentials? I'm not saying I don't trust him, and I certainly agree with his advice. I'm just saying.

Every Day

Do or do not, there is no oh wait there is a try.

Sorry for the sappy comic, but I figured I'd share some good advice I heard about a while ago. If you want to do something, whether be a good artist, musician, write a book, or really anything, it's important to work on that thing every day, whether that be actually working towards an end goal or practicing to help better yourself. Just don't forget to take breaks! Breaks are also important.

Racist Penguin

Penguins aren't racist, they're just ignorant

They say never judge a book by its cover but sometimes those covers are pretty spot-on. Let's try for once a week updates on Mondays, okay?

Irish Spring

A better soap than Irish Winter

Wait, so who makes Dove soap? Also, do the same people make Dove chocolate? How did they decide to make chocolate and soap? That doesn't seem to be a very similar product.

Also, why did I decide to keep drawing skeletons? The challenge?

Also also, I might start a project for this site. No promises.